Henfield Weather Centre     Date 17/03/25, local time 4:50, UTC 4:50
Wind speed: 3.0 mph
Direction: N; 11°
High wind speed: 7.0 mph at 4:05
10 min ave: 3.0 mph
High monthly speed: 19.0 mph
Air density: 1.3364 kg/cu.m
EMC: 20.5%
ET (day): 0.00mm
ET (month): 25.15mm
Rain rate: 0.0 mm/h
Rain: 0.0 mm (day);0.0 mm (storm)
High rate last hour: 0.0
High rain rate: 0.0 mm/h at ----
Month to date: 1.0 mm
Barometer 1075.7hPa
Trend (3h): Rising Rapidly
Low barometer: 866.7 hPa at 1:41
High barometer: 1086.6 hPa at 0:00
Low barometer (month): 546.1 hPa
High barometer (month): 1100.6 hPa
Temperature: 5.3°C
High Temperature: 5.6°C at 4:01
Low Temperature: 5.3°C at 4:39
High Temperature: 17.6°C (month)
Low Temperature: -3.7°C (month)
Heat index: 5.3°C;   (high: 5.6°C at 0:00)
THW: 4.5°C;   (high: 4.4°C at 0:00)
Wind chill: 4.5°C;   (low: 5.0°C at 4:01)
Humidity: 91%
Low humidity: 82% at 0:00
High humidity: 92% at 4:27
Dew point: 3.9°C
High dew point: 4.4°C at 3:59
Low dew point: 2.8°C at 0:00
Soil moisture: --- cb
High soil moisture: --- cb at ---
Low soil moisture: --- cb at ---
Leaf Wetness: ---
High Leaf Wetness: --- at ---
Low leaf wetness: --- at ---
Leaf wetness mins>0 in last hour: n.a.
Soil temp: ---°C
Low soil temp: ---°C at ---
High soil temp: ---°C at ---
UV now: 0.0
High UV: 0.0 at ----
High UV (month): 2.6
Moon phase: Waning Gibbous
Sun rise: 6:10
Sun set: 18:10
Solar radiation: 0W/m²
High solar radiation: 0W/m² at ----
High solar radiation (month): 863W/m²
Forecast: Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours
PC time 4:50; Console time 4:48; PC date 17/03/25; Console date 17/03/25

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