Botany or plant science is a vast arena involving the study of the plant kingdom. Studying plants involves delving into plant growth, plant evolution over time, their structures, and how plants interact with other life on Earth. Studying plant science has enabled people to develop medicines and a wide range of materials for various manufacturing industries. Plant science also enables people to learn about the environment, conservation, and public health.
Plants can be enjoyed on a more emotional level, as well. Flower delivery from an online florist may be the ideal way to send your heartfelt greetings. Flowers have other important roles on Earth, though. The sweet nectar inside of flowers serves as food for some animals and insects. Humans and animals can eat some edible flowers. Flowers such as nasturtium and Echinacea can also serve effective medicinal purposes.
Flowers provide fragrant and visual beauty when they blossom on a plant. This fragrance and flowers' bright colors attract pollinators. Pollinators may be insects, such as bees and butterflies. Pollinators can also be animals such as hummingbirds. Wind can also serve as an effective pollinator when it blows pollen from one plant to another. The structure of flowers enables pollination. Brightly colored petals surround a plant's reproductive structures. Stamens are the male reproductive parts, holding the pollen. Nestled inside the stamens sits the ovary; the female reproductive part. Protruding out of the ovary is the stigma, which sits waiting to trap pollen for pollination. After pollination occurs, a seed or seeds begin to develop inside the flower to reproduce it.
Many plants are edible, but some types of plants are exceedingly toxic if ingested by humans or animals. Toxic plants can cause nausea, vomiting, internal burns, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, mental confusion, and even death. Some plants also contain chemicals that are toxic to the skin with contact. Plants that result in skin reactions include poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac. Merely brushing against the leaves or other foliage of these plants can result in an itchy rash with painful blisters. Anyone coming into contact with one of these poisonous plants should immediately rinse and wash the skin area to remove as much of the poisonous urushiol as possible.
Pollen can be a significant trigger for some people' allergies. Certain specific trees, grasses, weeds, and ragweed are common allergens. Different plants produce pollen at different times of the year. For example, trees often blossom in the spring, releasing pollen into the air. Grasses and ragweed typically release pollen into the air in the late summer or early fall. The weather can also affect how much pollen releases into the air. On dry and windy days, more pollen will enter the air. On damp and calm days, less pollen will enter the air. Rain will also wash pollen to the ground, which can be beneficial for people experiencing allergies or asthma.
Mold can be an allergen that produces asthmatic symptoms. Mold can grow in grasses, grains, and old vegetation such as leaves and logs. The wind spreads mold spores, which can cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms for some people. Mold varies in prevalence, depending on the type. Some types of mold are more prevalent in dry weather conditions, and other types are more prevalent in damp weather. Someone allergic to mold may experience fewer symptoms by staying indoors during periods of high mold count.
Learn more about plant science, flowers, flower delivery, finding an online florist, and allergens by visiting these websites:
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