Isle of Wight Nostalgia - The museum of Isle of Wight geology

The museum was redesigned in 1985 to take into account the many new discoveries within geology and palaeontology. The modern, attractive display began with the Island's 120,000,000 year history, when the Island was part of the North American landmass.

Fossils, dinosaurs, turtles, mammals, shellfish and even insects are displayed to illustrate ancient life. Their fossils have been painstakingly extracted from local rocks to provide clues to their original environments. Ammonite shell from the Chalk downlands mean that the Island was totally submerged beneath the sea. The bones of dinosaurs imply that at one time the landmass was tropical or sub-tropical.

Find out how these fossil animals lived. Find out why groups became extinct. Find out how animals become fossils and where to find your own fossil examples. For answers to these and other questions, visit the museum!

The museum is located in Sandown town centre - telephone 01983 404344. Opening hours are normally Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm and Saturday 9.30am to 4.30pm but please check before your visit.

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Contains information courtesy of Isle of Wight Teachers' Centre.
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