Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Site Statistics

Weekly visitors

The following table shows the number of visitors each week to the Isle of Wight Nostalgia home page - it does not count visits to other pages. The page now receives around thousands of visitors each month during the season, with numbers growing significantly in the summer months. Thank you for visiting the site and making the effort worthwhile!

Isle of Wight Nostalgia Site - Weekly visitor numbers from FastCounter
Week ending:Home page 'hits' recorded for week ***
21st July 2002----
14th July 20021,837
7th July 20022,298
30th June 20022,368
23rd June 20022,119
16th June 20022,223
9th June 20022,043
2nd June 20022,294
26th May 20022,137
19th May 20022,327
12th May 20021,815
5th May 20021,957 est
28th April 20022,392
21st April 20021,968
14th April 20022,044
7th April 20021,908
31st March 20022,100 est
17th March 20022,377
10th March 20022,356
3rd March 20022,167
24th February 20021,757
17th February 20021,774
10th February 20022,036
3rd February 20022,300 est
27th January 20022,031
20th January 20022,180
13th January 20021,364
6th January 20021,100
30th December 2001990 est
23rd December 20011,020 est
16th December 20011,080 est
9th December 20011,131
2nd December 20011,096
25th November 20011,273
18th November 20011,390
11th November 20011,308
4th Novemberber 2001999
28th October 20011,116
21st October 20011,172
14th October 20011,059
7th October 20011,207
30th September 20011,254
23rd September 20011,241
16th September 20011,142
9th September 20011,421
2nd September 20011,722
26th August 20011,790
19th August 20011,736
12th August 20011,835
5th August 20011,852
29th July 20011,687
22nd July 20011,846
15th July 20011,946
8th July 20011,848
1st July 20011,848
24th June 20012,068
17th June 20012,368
10th June 20012,345
3rd June 20011,983
27th May 20012,539
Compiled by FastCounter.

*** The FastCounter statistics (above) will sometimes count return visits whereas the NBCi counter below records return visits on the same day as only a single visit. To get a comparable figure, divide the FastCounter by 2.3

Isle of Wight Nostalgia Site - Weekly visitor numbers from NBCi
Week ending:Visitors recordedChange on
previous week
Change on
previous year
31st March 2001733+18+289
24th March 2001715 est+15+174
17th March 2001700 est+14+245
10th March 2001686-195+289
3rd March 2001881+169+392
24th February 2001712+21+333
17th February 2001691-90+263
10th February 2001781+195+302
3rd February 2001586-85+190
27th January 2001671+18 +270
20th January 2001653+80+317
13th January 2001573+68+304
6th January 2001505+182+241
30th December 2000323-120+121
23rd December 2000443-30+289
16th December 2000473-139+304
9th December 2000612+157+400
2nd December 2000455-1+226
25th November 2000456-15+254
18th November 2000471+20+259
11th November 2000451-41+182
4th November 2000492-40+285
28th October 2000532-14+325
21st October 2000546+284+304
14th October 2000262-268+62
7th October 2000530+183+343
30th September 2000347-92+121
23rd September 2000441-43+210
16th September 2000484-56+317
9th September 2000540+120+277
2nd September 2000420-103+161
26th August 2000523+73+308
19th August 2000450-3+192
12th August 2000453-60+181
5th August 2000513-28+253
29th July 2000541-137+277
22nd July 2000678+131+414
15th July 2000547+56+281
8th July 2000491+153+247
1st July 2000338-123+72
24th June 2000461-63+221
17th June 2000524-21+248
10th June 2000545+170+244
3rd June 2000375-155+140
27th May 2000530+3+233
20th May 2000527+232+237
13th May 2000295-203+58
6th May 2000498+0+258
29th April 2000498+104+281
22nd April 2000394-111+172
15th April 2000505+105+304
8th April 2000400-44+203
1st April 2000444-97+258
25th March 2000541+86+353
18th March 2000455+58+272
11th March 2000397-92n.a.
4th March 2000489+110n.a.
26th February 2000379-49n.a.
19th February 2000428-51n.a.
12th February 2000479+83n.a.
5th February 2000 396 -5n.a.
29th January 2000401+65n.a.
22nd January 2000336+67n.a.
15th January 2000269+5n.a.
8th January 2000264+62n.a.
1st January 2000202+48n.a.
25th December 1999154-15n.a.
18th December 1999169-43n.a.
11th December 1999212-17n.a.
4th December 1999229+24n.a.
27th November 1999205-7n.a.
20th November 1999212-57n.a.
13th November 1999269+71n.a.
6th November 1999198-9n.a.
30th October 1999207-35n.a.
23rd October 1999242+42n.a.
16th October 1999200+13n.a.
9th October 1999187-39n.a.
2nd October 1999226-5n.a.
25th September 1999231+64n.a.
18th September 1999167-96n.a.
11th September 1999263+4n.a.
4th September 1999259+44n.a.
28th August 1999215-43n.a.
21st August 1999258-14n.a.
14th August 1999272+12n.a.
7th August 1999260 -4n.a.
31st July 1999264 +0n.a.
24th July 1999264-2n.a.
17th July 1999266+22n.a.
10th July 1999244-22n.a.
3rd July 1999266+16n.a.
26th June 1999250-26n.a.
19th June 1999276-25n.a.
12th June 1999301+66n.a.
5th June 1999235-62n.a.
29th May 1999297+7n.a.
22nd May 1999290+53n.a.
15th May 1999237-3n.a.
8th May 1999240+23n.a.
1st May 1999217-5n.a.
24th April 1999222+21n.a.
17th April 1999201+4n.a.
10th April 1999197+9n.a.
3rd April 1999186-2n.a.
27th March 1999188+5n.a.
20th March 1999183+34n.a.
Compiled by NBCi COUNTER. Where NBCi has problems for more than two days in any week, an estimate will be made and marked 'est'

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