Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Guest Gallery - Ivy Sulkowska

All the photographs on this page have been supplied by Ivy Sulkowska. They show the dockyards, so important during the war. Because of this the town suffered in air raids and there was much damaged. Ivy can be contacted by email. Thanks Ivy for sharing these!

The Polish destroyers, the Grom and the Blyskawica

The Polish destroyers, the Grom and the Blyskawica under construction.

West Cowes, looking Southwest towards Somerton

West Cowes, looking Southwest towards Somerton

Thetis Road and Pelham Road were badly damaged in the raid of 4th May 1942.

West Cowes, looking Southwest towards Somerton showing the new Stephenson Road. The rail tunnel connecting Cowes and Mill Hill station can also be seen. Thetis Road and Pelham Road in the foreground were badly damaged in the raid of 4th May 1942.

J. S. White's dockyard looking East towards East Cowes

J. S. White's dockyard looking East towards East Cowes. Note the Saunders-Roe area in the top left corner.

The Cranbourne

Ivy outside her birthplace, The Cranbourne in Newport, on the corner of Upper St James's Street (Nodehill) and Trafalgar Road, with her mum in about 1926.

Cowes Pier in 1939

Cowes Pier in 1939, taken from the top of the then new Osborne Court

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Photographs on this page ©2001 Ivy Sulkowska
Isle of Wight Nostalgia Site ©1998-2002 Dave Parker

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