Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Godshill Village - 1

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Godshill is very popular with tourists eager to take tea on the lawn - and some of the lawns are well worth a visit!

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

There are tea rooms and restaurants tucked away in all corners of the village. This is Essex Cottage (featured in the model village).

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

And more than just a cup of tea. There are several pubs including this Ushers house.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

This view of the village was taken near the Church.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

This Kangaroo in thatch caused quite a stir in the village!

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

A peaceful footpath to the Church.

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