Isle of Wight Nostalgia - Godshill Village - 3

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Essex Cottage restaurant & tea rooms.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

These next three views are from one of the tea gardens.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

The herb garden.

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Picture of Godshill village, Isle of Wight

Not everyone will enjoy their visit!

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