WARD LOCK & Co's Illustrated Guide Book


Ventnor from the west
Ventnor from the east
Ventnor esplanade from the pier
This shot would have been taken from the pier - described by the guide as a feat of engineering as storms had demolished the previous two. A challenge to engineers here I think!
Ventnor canoe lake - now a car park
Ventnor winter gardens shortly after being built by the look of it - remarkably similar to the view now from a boat!
Monks Bay, Bonchurch Pond & Ventnor Park
St. Catherine's point & lighthouse
St Boniface Down - without trees - note Ventnor Town railway station bottom left - this is where you will need to catch the train when they re-build the line.
A view of the enchanting undercliff - close to where the railway painting on the main 'undercliff' page would be
The cliffs near Blackgang
Note the houses near the top/centre of the picture. These are now on the cliff edge if not in the Atlantic by now - see the picture on the 'Blackgang' page for a more recent view.
The text of the Ward Lock guide explains why this is here!
A very different Blackgang Chine to today.

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